The Main Form

The main form allows you to edit the paths to the respective GHCN datasets.

To edit the path to the GHCN1 dataset, type the new location in the GHCN1 Directory: field.

To edit the path to the GHCN2 dataset, type the new location in the GHCN2 Directory: field.

To edit the path to the GHCN3 dataset, type the new location in the GHCN3 Directory: field.

To edit the base file name for the current version of the GHCN3 average temperature data files, type the new version information in the TAVG string: field. The base file name should be in the following format: ghcnm.tavg.v3.x.y.YYYYMMDD


Most of the time, all you will need to update are the date variables.

To edit the base file name for the current version of the GHCN3 maximum temperature data files, type the new version information in the TMAX string: field. The base file name should be in the following format: ghcnm.tmax.v3.x.y.YYYYMMDD


Most of the time, all you will need to update are the date variables.

To edit the base file name for the current version of the GHCN3 maximum temperature data files, type the new version information in the TMIN string: field. The base file name should be in the following format: ghcnm.tmin.v3.x.y.YYYYMMDD


Most of the time, all you will need to update are the date variables.

You cannot type anything in the large memo panel at the bottom right of the main form. It is where updates on the progress of individual searches will be posted.

Copyright © 1995-2011, David M. Lawrence

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