CLIMate-VEGetation models for WINdows
CLIMate-VEGetation models for WINdows (CLIMVEGWIN) runs several models for predicting vegetation type based on readily available climate data. Features include:
- A choice of running one model alone or several models together for comparison;
- Procedures that create matrices of constants used in the models;
- Procedures that allow use of preexisting input data files or the creation of new ones. A subroutine will estimate monthly radiation values if none are available for the site;
- A procedure that predicts vegetation composition using Budyko's method (Budyko 1974, 1986). The radiation and radiative index of dryness estimates are based on Budyko's assumption that potential evapotranspiration approximately equals net radiation divided by the latent heat of vaporization of water. The results of a modified classification based on the Budyko method, presented by Monserud et al. (1993), are also presented.
- A procedure that predicts vegetation composition using the Holdrige Life Zone model (Holdridge 1947);
- A procedure that classifies the climate according to the Koeppen climate classification scheme (Koeppen 1936) as modified by Guetter and Kutzbach (1990). While the model primarily classifies the climate, it also allows for a prediction of the vegetation growing at a particular site.
- A procedure that predicts vegetation composition using the Lieth-Whittaker model (Whittaker 1975);
- A procedure that determines classifies climate and determines vegetation composition from climate data using the approaches of Thornthwaite (1948), Mather and Yoshioka (1968) and Stephenson (1990). A revised moisture index, developed by Willmott and Feddema (1992), is also calculated. The water balance calculations are based on Thornthwaite (1948) and Thornthwaite and Mather (1955). Vegetation classifications are based on Mather and Yoshioka (1968) and Stephenson (1990).
- A procedure that classifies vegetation based using the BIOME model of Prentice and colleagues (Prentice et al., 1992).
- A procedure that classifies vegetation based on the ECOSIEVE model of Box (Box 1981).
- A model based on that of Woodward (1987). It is a PASCAL translation of a FORTRAN translation of a BASIC model. Some differences in results from the three versions exist. The cause of the differences is not known, but the discrepancies appear to be minor. I hope in the future to correct the problem.
For more information on what CLIMVEGWIN does and how it does it, check out the online documentation. The Windows help file that comes bundled with the program contains the same information.
The new version of the program should run on more recent 64-bit Windows operating systems such as Windows 7 and Windows Vista. It is an update of an old Pascal/Delphi program I wrote several years ago. This version was compiled using Free Pascal with the Lazarus IDE.
The installer was put together using Inno Setup.
Download the CLIMate-VEGetation models for WINdows setup file for 64-bit Windows systems here.
If you have a 32-bit Windows system, download this version.